Monday, April 20, 2015

The Corn Project

Liz Birnbaum is a curator of art and ecology extraordinaire who put together an exhibit titled Lend Me Your Ears in February 2014, the description of which featured such gems as "be amaized!" and "the human-corn relationship." She is also my friend. So when she asked me to create some original artwork centered upon the Corn Belt, I happily obliged. I believe her actual words were "something about the Corn Belt... And maps."

America's Corn Belt is the midwestern region that produces most of the country's corn, and 40% of the world's corn. I started with taking the top four corn-producing states and drawing out their counties, then layering those shapes with illustrations of corn plants in various forms. The resulting artwork was on display in the art gallery at this weekend's Brokechella festival in LA.

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